Cutting Minta Minta Mint!

Okay, I've cut Minta Minta Mint soap.  It smells great.  I also knew that with the high amount of Olive oil this soap was going to be really, really, really soft and I should've left it in the mold for another day...I couldn't wait though. A little bit dented though too soft.  I'll clean it up later : ) I needed to unmold it and it looks pretty darn awesome! Although its just too soft. Not to worry though because this happened last time with a very similar recipe and that soap is as hard if not one of the hardest soaps I've ever made. Hard as a rock!!


  1. Hi Michelle, thanks for the invite... you got a great colour working in this soap but definitely cut too early. I had a soap like this before and I got so mad that it was too soft and everyone else's looked perfect. I don't gel and it looks like yours didn't get... non-gelled soaps take longer to set up, I usually leave mine in the mould for 24 hours, then demould (carefully) and then take off the lining paper and leave out, uncut, for several days. I see the mould you're using and I personally never had any luck with that one.. if you can find a silicone mould with a shiny interior, it could be a lot easier for you to demould without squishing it too much! Anyways, great start and I hope you're enjoying the adventure!

    Best of luck!

    Celine from

  2. Thanks so much Celine!! I will take that into account!!


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